Cloud migration involves moving a company’s digital assets, services, databases, IT resources, and applications partially or fully into the cloud or even moving from one cloud to another. The significant benefits of cloud computing are the main drivers of cloud migration, and its market size reflects its popularity of cloud computing.
The global cloud computing market size is projected to hit around US$ 1,614.10 billion by 2030 and witness substantial growth at a CAGR of 17.43% from 2022 to 2030.
The general benefit of any cloud migration process is based on factors such as performance, cost, and security. By migrating to the cloud, an enterprise IT team is free from a load of managing uptime. Moving an application to the cloud is often considered a logical step forward for growth. The following infographic provides a snapshot of the market, common cloud initiatives, cloud strategies and considerations, challenges, benefits, and success factors.

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